COA Center




Product Code: 00735


Appearance A white or greyish-white, crystalline powder; odourless. It darkens on exposure to air and light, decomposition being faster in the presence of moisture and athigher temperatures.
Assay (on anhydrous basis) 98.0-101.0%
Solubility Freely soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol(95%), practically insoluble in chloroform and in
Appearance of solution To comply IP test
Identification A (IR spectrum) To confirm the structure
Identification ‘B’ Absorption maxima at 279 nm, about 0.4 absorbance
Identification 'C' It gives reaction of tartrate
Related substance (by HPLC)
Impurity A Max 0.3%
Impurity B, C Max 0.2% each
Total unspecified impurities Max 0.1% each
Total impurities Max 0.6%
Phenones (by UV) Max 0.1 absorbance at 310 nm
Loss on drying Max 0.5%
Sulphated ash Max 0.1%
pH (1% w/v solution) 2.8 - 4.0
Specific optical rotation ([α]20/D) -50.0° to -54.0°

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